Tuesday, June 11, 2019


It's day two of this five day fast, and I'm HUNGRY. 

In fact, I'm so hungry, I've considered bailing from the whole thing, and heading (well, not heading but RUNNING) up to Heights Taco and Tamale for margaritas and tacos. 😋  I can literally taste the cheese dip melting in my mouth and the crunchy, salty chips.  Just this past hour, I've even dreamed of foods I don't normally eat:  pizza, garlic bread with marinara sauce, creamy pasta, and dare-I-say cake (I hate cake, but if it were in front of my face right now, I swear it would be gone in 30 seconds).   

But I'm not going to eat any of it.  I made a commitment to myself to do something to contribute to long term health and wellness, not only for me, but also so I can be around for my own children and (hopefully one day in the FAR, far future) my grandchildren.  And right now, that means fasting for five days (see previous blog for details on what I'm doing).

It started last night.  I became irritable when I didn't get my evening wine/cocktail (I feared this would happen).  I resisted, but it was almost like I didn't know what to do with myself.  My kids are at camp this week (which is another reason I chose this week to do this, so there would be little to no stress at home, no property disputes among siblings, no brother-sister fights to break up, etc.).  The house is clean, and even though I need to clean out the attic, I'm too fatigued from fasting to do it.  Anybody have Netflix recs?

I slept okay.  In fact, I ended up sleeping longer than normal, and I woke up with a headache.  A bad headache.  Despite that, I went on a two mile walk and practiced yoga for an hour.  I ate my nutrition bar, and my headache subsided.  Then I had my consultation with my fasting coach.  He explained that the second day is typically the toughest, because your body is in ketosis, which means it doesn't have enough carbs from food for your cells to burn for energy, so it burns fat instead.  Shortly after that, he explained, autophagy begins, which is basically the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells (look it up, there is a LOT of research about how this works). Naturally, you feel exhausted.  

On top of the exhaustion, the Prolon powdered soup for lunch was not too tasty.  So I didn't eat it.  Would you want this? 

Needless to say... those tacos are sounding better and better. (not. going. to. do. it, not. going. to. drive. up. for. tacos.)😣

Instead, I am preparing the remaining quinoa soup for dinner, along with a few "allowed" olives.  Again, my wine habit is creeping in (I want), and it's making me irritable that I don't "get to have it" tonight.  But I am reminded that this is my own choice, and I am deciding not to have it in exchange for something greater.  Other than my irritability around that, I don't find my mood has shifted much at all.   So far, just hunger.  The Prolon program allows for a glycerol solution to add to water, along with tea.  It all helps stave off cravings, but right now, I swear I could eat my weight in food.  Speaking of, I'm monitoring that this week, too, to see if weight is affected by the fasting-mimicking diet.  

For now, I'll eat the soup and tuck in early.  But I bet I dream about tacos!  xoxo

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