Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Fasting: Day Three

Halfway there!

Someone asked me today how I'm feeling. 

Honestly, as I near the end of the 3rd day without real food and in a fasting state, I thought it would feel worse.  It's kind of like if you had a night without much sleep, and you wake up the next day and feel sort of groggy and fatigued, but you know you have to make it through the day.  It's like you're fine, but you simply have little energy. 

Today was better than yesterday.  The cravings subsided, and I managed not to race up to Heights Taco for tacos!  Last night, I watched Big Little Lies, and I kept noticing the women sharing wine, or they were relaxing with alcohol and food.  I was tempted for a moment to head downstairs for a glass myself, but I managed to resist.  It did make me realize that -as a culture- we so often socialize around food and alcohol.  Also, we often eat and drink for comfort or to fill a void. 

It pushed me to look at when and how I overeat and overdrink.  I'm not sure I really do much in excess, but I've realized through this that we don't need to consume so much to exist.  For me, I view a glass of wine or cocktail, along with yummy food, as a "reward" for hard work or a long day.  Or if the day was somehow "bad," then I really deserve to splurge.  I also eat and drink MORE when I'm in social situations or when I feel uncomfortable in a social setting.  Even thinking about going to a movie this week, it was the popcorn that got me excited (I decided to stay home).  So all of this is making me take a hard look at what works for me and how sustainable it is. 

Another person asked if I was cranky.  Truth be told, my mood has remained steadier this week than when my blood sugar levels are spiking and falling.  It's been an interesting observation.

One more thing... memories have surfaced this week.  I keep thinking of -and missing- my grandmother and grandfather.  I've pulled pictures of when the children were little and even framed some of them.  It made me wonder how much is stored in our bodies and eventually forgotten.  When you begin to truly peel back layers all the way to the core, you're faced with something really raw and very intense.  Sometimes painful, but mostly positive.

I hope I don't cheat tonight.  Even though the cravings aren't as bad, it's still moment to moment. All it takes is one Little Caesars pizza commercial to make me want.  I remind myself - only two days to go!


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